From the creators of SHREK comes DreamWorks Animation’s TROLLS, a smart, funny and irreverent comedy about the search for happiness, and just how far some will go to get it. This hilarious film transports audiences to a colorful, wondrous world populated by the overly optimistic Trolls, who have a constant dance in their step and a song on their lips, and the comically pessimistic Bergens, who are only happy when they have trolls in their stomachs.
After the Bergens invade Troll Village, Poppy (Kendrick), the happiest Troll ever born, and the overly-cautious curmudgeonly Branch (Timberlake) set off on a journey to rescue her friends. Together, this mismatched duo embarks on a rescue mission full of adventure and mishaps – trying to tolerate each other long enough to get the job done.
Utilizing music to further the film's narrative, the TROLLS soundtrack is produced by Justin Timberlake and features five original songs including songs by Justin Timberlake, Ariana Grande, Anna Kendrick and Gwen Stefani, in addition to a number of classic hits from the ‘60s through the ‘80s.
→ Credits ←
Poppy – Anna Kendrick
Branch – Justin Timberlake
Director – Rob Smith
Editor – Duncan Rawlings
Production Assistant – Jennifer Alvarez
Creative Executive – Melanie Augustyn
Executive Producer – Birkner Rawlings
Dreamworks Animation
Head of Mocap Technologies – Manny Francisco
Mocap Development Supervisor – Elvin Korkuti
Project Manager – Adnan Ghani
Mocap Engineers – Demian Gordon, Kristine Middlemiss, Nam Nguyen, Sarah Scialli, Emanuel Williams, Kelly Talesnick
Software Engineer - Max Lazarov, Ashwin Nagavelli
Animation Director - Roberto Smith
Final Layout Artist – Pramod Deshpande
Lead Animator - Devika Vinayak Nagarkar
Animators – Tina Tsikaradze, Sachin Verma, Dicco Thomas, Harish Kumawat, Ravinder Gajula, Amaresh Mishra, Appu Vijayakumar
Character Effects Artists – Nikheel Patel, Ryan Borah, Ravi Varman, Pramita Mukherjee, Sandhya Pathak
Lighting TA – Vigneshwar Viswanathan
Lighting Compositor - Brahmam Bangaru
Generalist TD – Liju Kunnummal
Assistant Editor – John Currin
Production Supervisor – Jessica Bayliss, Sumit Verma
Production Coordinator - Deepika Anvekar
Production Assistant - Roshni Kakad
Motion Capture Actors - Amie Woolweber, Lisa Curtis Saunders
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Film & Animation | Upload TimePublished on 2 Sep 2016 |
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