Hang out with Shrek and Donkey as they dish the dirt on all things fairytale in this lively talk show. Together they give the inside scoop on Far Far Away happenings like Prince Charming’s busy dating life, how to make Little Red Riding Hood stew, and deciding once and for all who's the fairest of them all.
→ Credits ←
Shrek – Michael Gough
Donkey – Jason J. Lewis
Director – Drew Massey
Writer – Patricia Villetto
Story Editor – Alexander Hoffman
Editor – Eli Sokhn
Production Assistant – Jennifer Alvarez
Creative Executive – Melanie Augustyn
Executive Producer – Birkner Rawlings
Dreamworks Animation
Head of Mocap Technologies – Manny Francisco
Mocap Development Supervisor – Elvin Korkuti
Project Manager – Adnan Ghani
Mocap Engineers – Demian Gordon, Kristine Middlemiss, Nam Nguyen, Sarah Scialli, Emanuel Williams, Kelly Talesnick
Software Engineer - Max Lazarov, Ashwin Nagavelli
Animation Director - Roberto Smith
Final Layout Artist – Pramod Deshpande
Lead Animator - Devika Vinayak Nagarkar, Chatrasal Singh
Animators – Tina Tsikaradze, Himanshu Sharma, Dicco Thomas, Bhavin Joshi, Harish Kumawat, Yashank Singh, Kanthikar Swaraj, Ravinder Gajula
Character Effects Artists – Nikheel Patel, Ryan Borah
Lighting TA – Vigneshwar Viswanathan
Lighting Compositor - Brahmam Bangaru
Generalist TD – Liju Kunnummal
Assistant Editor – John Currin
Production Supervisor – Jessica Bayliss
Production Coordinator - Deepika Anvekar
Production Assistant - Roshni Kakad
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full episodes of teen mom 2 Donkey Tests the New Apple | SWAMP TALK WITH SHREK AND DONKEY | |
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Film & Animation | Upload TimePublished on 28 Aug 2016 |
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