Get "The Future is Electric" on iTunes: http://apple.co/1mUatwc
Get the whole "Sung History" album on iTunes: http://apple.co/1mUatwc
Get the whole "Sung History" album on CD Baby: http://bit.ly/1RwUv7V
Since Benji Franks went and flew that kite
we've had an energetic appetite!
In a hundred years it won't seem so strange
we’re gonna harness charge to make a change!
The future is electric!
You’re invited now if you thought weren't
The future is electric! Direct --
Gonna ride there on an alternating current!
Tesla: Wait, what did you say?
Two different sides to same new spark
Illuminating what was dark
Except alternating has way more range…
either way it's an awesome change!
The future is electric!
With DC and a long extension
each home will have a light bulb, my invention!
Right, well...
AC switches direction ‘bout 60 times second
And can travel thousands of miles with a wire intersection
Start with million volts, then shift it down to just 120
A single plant can be the power source to just so many!
Lights a humble start, I'm glad you’re humble ‘bout it
but I'm giving the world power
they won't want to live without it!
The future is electric!
You’re invited now if you thought weren't
The future is electric! Direct --
Gonna ride there on an alternating current!
Edison: Well, agree to disagree
Tesla: That's just you not admitting that you're wrong…
Edison: Well, agree to disagree about agreeing to disagree!
The future is electric!
E: AC will lead to casualties
T: DC sounds fine for batteries
E: watch the effects of all the shock! (electrocutes himself)
T: Holy moly, why would you do that?
E: (coughing smoke) to prove a point.
T: and what point was that?
E: ...what were we talking about?
The future is electric!
You’re invited now if you thought weren't
The future is electric!
Gonna ride there on an alternating…
Going to ride there on a direct… Direct --
Gonna ride there on an alternating current!
History class can be a little boring some times. That's why Danny Tieger and DreamworksTV created Sung History! Two minutes of musical mischief that's guaranteed to have you singing along with some of the biggest historical figures of all time!! Every episode of Sung History is in a different musical style, produced by Matt Appleton, to be the weirdest it can be.
→ Credits ←
Sung by: Matt Appleton & Danny Tieger
Directed by: Matt Levy
Written & Produced by: Danny Tieger & Matt Appleton
Environments, Visual FX, Editing by: Evan Bentz
Character Animations: Matt Schneck
Executive Producers: Matt Levy & Judy Meyers
Danny Tieger has written songs for NASA, The Jim Henson Company, and Sony Music. He is currently on the first national tour of, "Matilda the Musical". He just published his first book, "I Am Your Songwriting Journal"--- for a special DreamworksTV discount click here ( http://bit.ly/1RwU79v) and use the code, "DREAMWORKS"
Matt Appleton spends most of his time touring the world as saxophonist and vocalist for Ska legends Reel Big Fish. He has engineered, produced, and performed on records for dozens of artists including The Used, Gavin Degraw, Refused, Silverchair, Von Smith, Good Charlotte, and Atreyu.
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electricity перевод песни Edison & Tesla: "The Future is Electric" | SUNG HISTORY | |
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Film & Animation | Upload TimePublished on 26 Aug 2016 |
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